Einladung zum Treffen / Invitation to the meeting

(english version below)

Liebe Rover P4 Freundinnen und Freunde,

hiermit laden wir zum 11. Rover P4 Treffen vom 7. Bis 9.Juni 2025 ins Bergische Land ein.

Die Details des Treffens und die Einladung findet Ihr in diesem Schreiben:

Also, Einladung herunterladen, Termin reservieren und anmelden!

Dear Rover P4 friends,

We hereby invite you to the 11th Rover P4 meeting from June 7th to 9th, 2025 in the Bergisches Land.

You can find the details of the meeting and the invitation in this letter:

So, download the invitation, reserve the date and register!

5 Gedanken zu „Einladung zum Treffen / Invitation to the meeting“

  1. Hallo,
    ich bin mit meinem grünen Rover P4 – 75 von 1958 dabei, wenn er dann wieder fahrbereit ist.
    Als Option hätte ich noch meinen Rover P2 Tourer, der als Reserve einspringen könnte.

  2. Hello

    I will be coming to the meeting 7th to 9th June and have downloaded the invitation and have sent a message to the hotel to reserve a single room for the nights of 7th and 8th June. Unfortunately I do not speak German and although I managed to get a translation via the internet I could not download it only the German version. Could you provide an English translation on this page to download? I will be driving my Rover P4 95 „Mavis“ from UK hopefully with other RP4DG members in their P4s too.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and meeting you in June.

    Kind Regards

    David Gradley
    Regional Support Officer RP4DG
    Tel No 07757 425456

  3. Hello

    I am coming to the meeting 7th to 9th June and have reserved rooms at the hotel. I do not speak German and downloading your invitation it only downloads in German. Could you possibly provide an English translation to download or send me the details to my email address (supplied). I will be driving my Rover P4 95 „Mavis“ hopefully with other P4 owners and their cars from UK to the meeting.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and meeting you in June.

    Kind Regards


  4. Hello David,

    it`s nice to hear that you will join us in Germany.
    The english version of the invitation ist still in Work and we will publish it here and we will send it you`re Email adress.

    Kind regards


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